IIMET organized a session on “Transforming Education” under the Faculty Development Program. During the discussion it was highlighted that while it is essential to keep pace with the rapid changes brought about by technological advancements and dissemination of knowledge, teachers should not ignore the applicability aspect of knowledge. The keynote speaker, Dr. L.K.Kothari, eminent Medical Scientist and Educationist said that passing on theoretical knowledge to students is not sufficient,training through demonstration and making the learners do things creates lasting impact.
Dr. Kothari said the best way to bring the students to classes is through imparting an exceptionally satisfying learning experience to students by striking a balance between practical training and classroom teaching which is not only informative but also marked with wit & humour, illustrations, case studies and report writing, etc. He said the function of a college or university is both to teach and make the learners think. Creativity comes only through the process of thinking.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. D.K. Jain, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director, Systems, SKIT, stressed upon the importance of creating systems in the institutions to bring about a transformation in education. He said systems begin with self management wherein integrity is the key ingredient. Integrity means fulfilling your commitments, standing on principles & values and honoring you word. Transformation is a slow process but if you take the responsibility it can be accelerated.
Elaborating upon the idea of responsibility, Engineer V.K. Sharma said that everyone in an organization is a leader and responsible for what he is doing. They need to keep in mind that every organization is dynamic and it is their obligation to see that the changes are for the betterment of all stakeholders. Teachers need to do their best and work for the advancement of the capacity of students for excellence. The quality of education will certainly improve if teachers and students both work with a positive mindset and strive for effective communication skills, sound subject knowledge, with practical experience and a sense of time management.
In the beginning of the session, Principal, IIMET said that the canvas of education is fast expanding to meet the needs of rapid growth. At such a time we need to be specially careful to see that the quality of education does not suffer.
A very interesting talk was delivered at IIMET on Alternative Healing Therapy by Ms. Rita Nyati, a trained expert on Aura and Pranic Healing. While interacting with the faculty, she said that there are many things in our life about which we don’t know that we don’t know them. We often talk of body, mind and soul but most of us lack awareness that the basic ingredient of our existence is energy, prana shakti or life force. By giving a simple demonstration by rubbing the hands, she proved that this energy can be palpably felt by everybody.
We need to keep the tank of our energy clean for it plays an important role in our lives and its quality affects our body, mind and soul. Our chakras can balance or imbalance the energy level in our body and the energy field (aura) around us. These days devices are available for aura scan or photography and one can know the quality of aura and energy level in different organs, systems and parts of the body and determine one’s psychological and psychosomatic status. One can also know about the effect of our life style on mind and body. In fact, all our problems and diseases are made up of energy and through aura scan you can know about your disease four years before it comes into your pathological report.
Ms. Nyati concluded her talk by saying that everything happens at the level of thought and positive thoughts will generate positive energy and everything in your life will be positive. Therefore, avoid negativity at all costs.
In the beginning of the program, Advisor : IIMET, said that with the prevalence of vast number of diseases it has become imperative for us to look for alternative healing therapies, especially the ones that work at the energy and thought level.