E Cell - Adroit
E-CELL at IIMET has been working with support and guidance from National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN) with the objective of cultivating the entrepreneurial skills in the minds of young engineers to become entrepreneurs. The cell is the organized group of the most active students on campus who are promoting entrepreneurship and are committed and driven to thinking and acting in entrepreneurial manner. The cell constantly strives to motivate the future entrepreneurs by organizing various events and activities. It provides start-up opportunity to the students where they learn and practice:
E-Cell at IIMET has successfully conducted several activities including E-week which saw a very good and enthusiastic participation by students in workshops on entrepreneurship, Science Fair, Bazaar on Campus, Fotorush, Quizzendo-The B Quiz, Plantation in Schools, Documentary Competition and Movie Screening to develop the entrepreneurship skills among students.We were ranked 35th among 550 participating colleges all over india. First Campus Company "Ankani" The First Campus Company named "Ankani"(a stationery shop)was launched on 21st December 2012 by our E-Cell ADROIT in the collaboration with NEN in IIMET in the presence of NEN Consultant MS. Preeti Siingh, Entrepreneur Mr. B.K. Sharma,the college Principal Dr. Sandeep Nyati and advisor Dr. Ved Prakash by 3 Entrepreneurs:
During the E-Week India 2013 Regional Grand Finale,Jaipur, "Ankani" was awarded the certification of achievement " SHINING SYNDICATE UNIQUE FEATURES ON CAMPUS" for strengthening eco system of enter This was inaugurated in the college campus in the presence of NEN Consultant Ms. Preeti Singh, Entrepreneur Mr. B.K Sharma and the College Principal Dr. Sandeep Nyati. Unique FeaturesE-Cell facilitates participation at school as well as college level. In E-Cell all IVth year students play the role of mentors,IIIrd year students work as E-Leaders ,IInd year students as E-Members and Ist year as participation.E-Cell adroit has not only collaborated with NEN but also with the Patron,President and Secretary of Sitapura Industrial Association and successful entrepreneur Mr. B. K. Sharma.They provide us guidance and mentor our students and give them necessary industrial exposure. E-Cell Advisors
E-Cell Coordinators